Smart Energy

topic area

The field of Smart Energy deals with the integration of advanced technologies and digital solutions in energy infrastructures in order to increase efficiency, sustainability and flexibility.

Smart metering systems, real-time data analysis and automated control are used to optimize energy generation, distribution and consumption. The aim is to create a more sustainable and reliable energy supply and grid infrastructure that reduces the environmental impact and meets the requirements of modern societies.


cooperation with Mitnetz Strom

In addition to the energy transition, the digital transformation is a major challenge facing energy supply companies in particular. Together with our long-standing cooperation partner, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH (MITNETZ STROM), we are working on solutions to shape these major issues of our time. For example, the ongoing smart meter rollout poses new challenges for grid and metering point operators in particular. Das ist auch ein Grund, warum Betrachtungen zur Entwicklung von netzdienlichen Werkzeugen und Funktionen auf Basis von intelligenten Messsystemen erfassten Netzparametern im Mittelpunkt der Forschungsarbeit im ifem stehen.
Ein weiteres Themenfeld stellt die messtechnische Überprüfung der neuen Zähltechnik dar. Das ifem verfügt über eine eigene Zählerprüfstrecke für Funktionsprüfungen der Mess- und Zähltechnik. Dies ermöglicht, sowohl die Genauigkeit der Messwerte als auch die prinzipielle Funktionstüchtigkeit der im Stromnetz verbauten Stromzähler unter verschiedensten Bedingungen zu prüfen. Ein ifem Beitrag in der gemeinsamen Forschungsarbeit im Rahmen des Smart-Meter-Rollouts und dadurch zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende.

Jena 5G

As one of 10 German municipalities in the top group, Jena's implementation of the 5G_V2X project has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure since 2021.

The aim of the overall project, which makes Jena a model region for 5G mobile technology, is to optimize traffic flow and maximize safety. This is what the term Cellular-Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) stands for. To implement the planned scenarios, this data broker will collect and analyze real-time data from road users (public transport, private cars, bicycles, e-scooters, pedestrians).

In addition to the idea of the 5G-based data broker, the optimized energy supply for electrified transport is at the heart of the implementation concept, a research focus at ifem under the direction of Prof. Hartig. This includes all forms of electromobility, including streetcars and e-buses as well as e-vehicles and e-bikes.

A load management system is intended to avoid intermittent load peaks and thus overdimensioning of the electricity grids - a major challenge for rail-bound electromobility. In addition, the aim is to make optimum use of the charging and thus idle times of electrically powered vehicles (such as e-buses) without overloading the supplying equipment.

In addition to ifem, the chair of Traffic Control Systems and Process Automation at Technical University (TU) Dresden is therefore involved in the project as a further research institution. Other partners come from the regional economy in Thuringia and Saxony, from municipal administration and municipal companies, or are mobile network operators.

contact person

Max Hauswald
Max Hauswald

03727 / 58 1648
